
以B的成绩追求刑事司法事业.S. 刑事司法和犯罪学

The 刑事司法与犯罪学学士学位课程 is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a career in the diverse and rapidly evolving field of criminal justice. This program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics related to law enforcement, criminal justice, and criminology. 这个项目强调实用性。, hands-on learning experiences by exposing students to a variety of learning opportunities, 包括实习, 研究项目, 这让他们能够将所学的知识应用到现实世界中. Additionally, 该项目提供灵活的学习选择, 包括网络强化课程和兼职学习. 三角洲州也提供一份 刑事司法与犯罪学理学硕士.




Employment Rate




“静坐的声音” 学生驱动的项目与合作 数字媒体艺术课程.



Our faculty members are experts in their field and are dedicated to providing students with up-to-date knowledge and practical skills that are in demand in today’s job market. 我们提供灵活的课程安排选择, making it easier for students to balance their academic commitments with their other responsibilities. 如果需要,我们还提供在线学生咨询, 让学生无论身在何处都能得到支持和指导.

  • 全年接受申请
  • Wide 选修课程的多样性
  • 刑事司法方面的最新专业知识
  • 理论联系实际
  • Hands-on activities
  • 广泛的学生支持
  • 实习机会
  • 研究的机会
  • 真实世界的场景和讨论
  • 与客座犯罪学专家的互动
刑事司法的玛蒂尔德·斯科夫巴克 & Criminology major

我有幸会见了许多受人尊敬的专业人士, 从FBI探员到法医心理学家. The courses have given me a better understanding of how the "real world" is essentially put together, 理论联系实际. 我也获得了很好的职业洞察力和社交机会.

玛蒂尔德(蒂莉)斯科夫巴克,刑事司法和犯罪学专业Class of 2024


Five students with open notebooks sitting in a group in class, with a professor standing near them.

Criminal Justice

The 刑事司法专业 in the 刑事司法与犯罪学 program offers a robust curriculum tailored for students eager to deeply explore the criminal justice system. This concentration is structured to provide an in-depth understanding and comprehensive knowledge of various aspects of criminal justice. 它包括五门核心课程:心理学和刑事司法, 青少年犯罪, 刑事调查, Drugs and Society, 刑事法证学. 这些课程经过精心挑选,涵盖了广泛的主题, 从基本原则到刑事司法的专门领域. 除了这些核心课程, students are required to select electives from the 刑事司法与犯罪学 (CRJ) course offerings. This elective component provides students with the flexibility to tailor their education according to their interests and career aspirations within the criminal justice field.

Four students sitting in a group in class, one with a laptop and one with a textbook and notebook.

Social Justice

The 社会正义专业 within the 刑事司法与犯罪学 program is a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide students with a deep understanding of social justice issues in the context of criminal justice. This concentration includes core courses such as Victimology and Family Violence, 哪些是在该领域建立基础知识所必需的. Students are also required to select electives from a range of 刑事司法与犯罪学 (CRJ) courses, offering flexibility and the opportunity to tailor their learning to specific areas of interest within criminal justice. Additionally, the program emphasizes a broad understanding of social sciences; students must choose advanced-level electives from a variety of social science disciplines, 包括社会学(SOC), 政治学(PSC), History (HIS), 或社会科学(SSC). This diverse selection of courses allows students to gain a multidimensional perspective on social justice, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to address complex issues in today’s criminal justice system.

我能用a做什么 B.S. Degree in

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载, the goal of the 刑事司法与犯罪学 program is to provide students with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to succeed in a variety of careers within the criminal justice field. 我们努力让我们的毕业生在离开我们的项目时感到熟练, confident, 并且有能力处理现实世界的情况. Our graduates are ready to pursue graduate school or a 刑事司法与犯罪学 career with many options, such as:

  • Police officer
  • Detective
  • Federal agent
  • 狱警
  • Probation officer
  • Parole officer
  • 私家侦探
  • Warden
  • Attorney
  • Bailiff
  • Criminologist
  • 缉毒人员
  • Litigation manager
  • Paralegal
  • Penologist
  • Teacher


We understand that the cost of higher education can be a barrier for many students, which is why Delta State University is committed to making our programs as affordable as possible. We offer a variety of financial aid options to help students fund their education, 包括奖学金, grants, loans, 以及勤工俭学项目. For students interested in pursuing the major 刑事司法和犯罪学, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载有几个奖学金机会. 这些奖学金通常以学业成绩为基础, financial need, 或者在刑事司法领域的具体职业目标. Students may also be eligible for non-program specific scholarship opportunities.

Program Goals

The goal of the Delta State University 刑事司法与犯罪学 program is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the criminal justice system and its many components, 包括执法部门, the court system, and corrections. The program aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue careers in criminal justice or related fields. 学生还将培养批判性思维和分析能力, as well as an understanding of ethical and social justice issues within the criminal justice system. The program seeks to prepare students to become knowledgeable and ethical professionals who can contribute to the betterment of their communities and society as a whole.


这个项目的申请者必须满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的要求 本科入学要求.



The following courses are required to complete the major 刑事司法和犯罪学 (core courses plus a concentration).


Course Number Course Title Credits
CRJ 200 刑事司法政策与实践导论 3
CRJ 405 犯罪学理论概论 3
CRJ 407 Criminal Law 3
CRJ 414 种族、犯罪和法律 3
CRJ 431 性别、法律和犯罪 3
CRJ 455 社会正义与犯罪学伦理 3
CRJ 480 刑事司法实习 3
PSC 440 司法程序 3
PSC 442 Civil Rights Law 3
SSC 469 社会科学的定量方法 3
SSC 470 社会研究方法 3
CIS 235 微机信息系统 3
ENG 250 Workplace Writing 3


Course Number Course Title Credits
CRJ 426 Victimology 3
CRJ 475 Family Violence 3
刑事司法与犯罪学 electives – Select 15 hours from any CRJ course not already listed. 15
社会科学选修课-从任何300级或400级SOC中选择12小时, PSC, HIS, GEO, 或SSC课程尚未列出. 12


Course Number Course Title Credits
CRJ 321 心理学与刑事司法程序 3
CRJ 336 青少年犯罪 3
CRJ 410 应用刑事调查 3
CRJ 461 Drugs and Society 3
CRJ 470 Family Violence 3
刑事司法与犯罪学 electives – Select 18 hours from any CRJ course not already listed. 18

Degree Requirements

To earn this degree, 你必须成功完成至少120个学分, including your general education requirements and the major requirements below. No grade below C in a required major course or special degree requirements may be applied toward graduation. Any grade below C must be removed by repeating the course and earning a C or better grade.

General Education 39-41
大学要求 1
Major 72
Electives 3-8
总学位要求 120

For more information on degree requirements and specifics on courses needed to complete the degree, 咨询本科生 Academic Catalog. For a semester-by-semester breakdown on how you can complete this degree in 4-years, visit academic maps.

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